a bit about me
My name is Fritha Fayers, I am a highly specialist children’s Speech and Language Therapist with over 10 years of clinical experience.
I have worked within the NHS and local statutory providers as well the independent sector, helping to support hundreds of children with speech, language and communication difficulties and their families. I have also provided assessment, therapy and training to schools and education professionals across Norfolk and beyond.
I have worked closely with a range of child development experts including Consultant Paediatricians, Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teachers and Occupational Therapists and have been a member of the Child and Educational Psychology Practice and more recently, Senior Neurodevelopmental Specialist at the Newberry Clinic in Gorleston.
I am also delighted to work in partnership with the wonderful people at Open Arms Support Service, a fantastic Occupational Therapy practice based in Norwich.

As well as completing post-graduate study focused on my above areas of clinical specialism, I am also:
A trained Elklan Tutor
Trained to administer the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) assessment
Signalong trained
PECS trained
If you’re at all worried about your child’s speech, language or communication development or you think there’s anything I could help you with in your school or nursery, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I love working with children, their families and other professionals and I really value spending time to get to know and understand each child as an individual. I use this insight, in combination with up-to-date evidence based assessments and therapeutic approaches, to provide truly individualised, child-centred intervention programmes with practical advice and resources that really work.
I have a special clinical interest and expertise in the following:
Phonological (speech sound) delay and disorder
Developmental Language Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Adverse childhood experiences and trauma
Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties
Selective Mutism